Exact Match - to compare images byte-for-byte.You can quickly search and remove duplicates by using Find Duplicates button and pick out which library that you want to sweep.įirst, choose one of the Compare options: Not only duplicates are eating out precious storage space, but it is also bad for photo organization. In more than one occasions, we ended up with more than one copies of our pictures. This trick is perfect for those who have limited space on their computer and want to free up some space by keeping the library on external storage. You can also better organized your libraries by moving one or several of them to a new location by selecting the library that you want to move and clicking the Change Location button. Having multiple libraries is good if you want to separate personal and professional photos, or categorize them by events, etc. Then choose the name and location of the new library and add images to this new library. To better manage your photos, you can create a new library by going to File > Create Library or clicking the Create Library button in the iPhoto Library Manager window. Here are few things that you can do with iPhoto Library Manager: 1. This is where iPhoto Library Manager comes to the rescue. While iPhoto is a solid photo management app, there are things that iPhoto can’t do. But you can use alternative Windows-based photo managers such as Windows Photo Gallery, Picasa, ACDSee, XnView, Zoner Photo Studio, and more. There’s no iPhoto Library Manager for Windows. Those who’ve already moved to Photos completely can use PowerPhotos instead. Users who still stick with iPhoto or keep their iPhoto libraries when they upgrade to Photos can still use iPhoto Library Manager. Since 2015, iPhoto has evolved into Photos. How to Take a Scrolling Screenshot iPhone.Everything about iPhone Flashlight Shortcut.

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