There are only a few persistent haste items in the game (e.g.: Swift Flier in the OC and Heart of Rashman in MoTB). Persistent Haste and persistent Death Armor are useful and a few others exist on this list of spells. Extend Spell allows to improve some of the more short lasting spells, especially buffs, and is prerequisite for Persistent Spell. With Empower Spell and Silent Spell she will be able to, for example, cast Magic Missiles on 1st, 2nd and 3rd level slots. Silent Spell would allow her to still cast against later Cleric opponents. Besides, better spells of similar types often exist 3 levels higher.

Choose Empower Spell over Maximize Spell since it gives 50% more damage for 2 levels higher, while Maximize Spell only does about 65% more for 3 levels higher. Sorcerers benefit from metamagic more than wizards since they can access any known spell on the fly, which is also essential to make them really effective despite their short list of available spells. Heal and Alchemy are optional skills for her to use points on, but these are of little consequence. A single point into Use Magic Device allows her to use any divine scroll or wand (this is not true if you install the second expansion pack, which makes scrolls and wands only useable with very high UMD). A single point into Tumble allows her to make Tumble checks. Other than the usual - maximize her Concentration and Spellcraft like any other spellcaster - there is nothing important to say about Qara's skills, especially since she only gets 4 skill points per level. These feats and her default spell selection favor a battlemage role in the party - inflicting maximum damage on as great a number of enemies as possible.

She starts with feats of Spell Focus (Evocation) and Greater Spell Focus (Evocation) at level one and Combat Casting at level three. The earliest you can recruit Qara is level 3, at which point her unimproved stats are Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 11 and Cha 17 (point buy 34 vs.